The Slip Road onto the Southbound A189 adjacent to the Asda store at Blyth will be closed overnight between Monday 26th June 2023 and Saturday 1st July 2023 from the hours of 20:00pm – 6:00am. The road will be closed so that ground investigation works, which are part of the proposed Blyth Bebside A189 Footbridge construction, can be carried out.
A diversion route has been agreed rerouting drivers North to Bedlington junction (A189 Spine Road Kitty Brewster Bridge to Woodhorn round Blyth) and back southbound. Please see diagram below for traffic diversion route.
The works will involve using a small rotary boring rig to carry out one borehole to understand the ground conditions underneath the proposed footbridge foundation. Any noise and local disruption will be kept as minimal as practically possible.