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Women into Construction Employment Programme

As part of Morgan Sindall Infrastructure’s commitment to enhancing communities, they are delighted to share that they are supporting the second Women into Construction Employment Programme in the North East due to start in October 2023.

Following on from the great success of the pilot project earlier this year, the programme is being delivered in collaboration with Gateshead College and 5 major construction and engineering employers working in the Newcastle and North of Tyne region.

The 6 week programme aims to offer local women the opportunity to gain first-hand experience within the construction sector, provide an insight into different careers within construction and grow their confidence and skills to apply for future job opportunities (please see attachments for more details about the programme being offered).

An information session is being held in Central Newcastle on Tuesday 27 September from 11am.

They are looking for enthusiastic women, aged 16+, resident in the North of Tyne Combined Authority region and are either unemployed, working less than 16 hours per week or economically inactive and who are interested to find out more about construction. Candidates should be able to commit to the 6-week full time training programme – support for travel and childcare whilst on the programme will be provided by WIC.

Further information about the upcoming programme can be found here


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