Network Rail has assessed the structures and equipment along the Northumberland Line to see which requires removing and/ or upgrading, and which can be safely decommissioned and left in place.
This has determined that the signal box located at Newsham Level Crossing needs to be removed. The level crossing has been closed following the opening of the new road bridge over the railway and, along with other structures currently at the crossing, the signal box is now completely redundant as the signalling on the line has been upgraded. Surveys have confirmed that it is not structurally sound and, if left, would need extensive ongoing maintenance.

We know many local people will be disappointed to see Newsham signal box go, and a historical recording has taken place at this and all signal boxes being removed or taken out of use, so that there is a record of their existence and the layout of the buildings.
What to expect
The main works to remove the signal box anticipated to take place on Saturday 1 February 2025 and Sunday 2 February from 7pm to 7 am each night. Outside of the demolition window work will take place between 7am and 5pm.
There will be activity on site from 7am on Wednesday 29 January 2025, to 5pm on Tuesday 4 February 2025, as the teams set up prior to the works and remove the material after. Outside of the demolition window work will take place between 7am and 5pm.
Access to Blagdon Drive and Railway Cottages will be maintained throughout the works.
The nature of our work often means some disturbance is unavoidable, with the teams using small hand tools, ladders, lighting, equipment including petrol powered machinery and welding equipment. The team are aware that they are working close to homes, and they will try to minimise unnecessary disruption as much as possible.
It’s interesting to see how old infrastructure is being replaced for progress. I recently dealt with something similar in my life by selling my home quickly to simplify things. Using a service that provided an equity boost in San Diego was a game-changer—it let me move forward without delays or complications.
Please advise the opening date of next station anticipated to be Newsham
Please advise the opening date of next station anticipated to be Newsham